Thursday 21 September 2017

Instant Poker Win $75.00 - The Astrology

Welcome to today's astrological assessment for the winning playtime chart for a Poker instant win.  This is my series on whether we can find some common elements in the astrological playtime chart that will show us a way to increase our lottery wins, even they aren't the jackpots, by playing at a propitious time.

This is an older winning ticket of mine from June 7, 2013, played in Hamilton, Ontario at 6:05 p.m.

First I won a free play and the free play gave me the $75.00 instant win.  This was before the OLG offered the All In option so there was no chance for me at that time to double my winnings.

My analyses are based on the playtime astrological chart, or some call it an event chart, with hopefully the lucky connections we need to increase our lottery wins.  Before I started using this method, my lottery wins were nothing to speak of but once I started this, I began to win at least smaller amounts much more often though this varies and seems to go in cycles.  I also play a lot more so that may also have something to do with it!

Let's look at the playtime chart.  Here I use the free lottery software by Planetdance.

The first thing I note is the activity around the 8th house (the house of other peoples' money).  I have come to the conclusion through years of trial and meticulous record keeping that there needs to be some connection between the Ascendant and the 8th house.  The ASC is the player, us, so we need to be getting a benefit from other peoples' money. The connection is better if there is a benefic (Jupiter, Venus, North Node, part of fortune) involved in this connection.

First of all, ASC ruler is Scorpio, so Mars is the planet ruling the ASC.  Mars we see is located in the 7th house but in the same sign ruling the 8th house.  Mars is the natural ruler of the 8th house so being here gives Mars dignity/strength.

Mars has an inconjunct to part of fortune which is located in the ASC sign of Scorpio.  This is a really nice connection as POF is in the ASC/sign so this ties the ASC and 8th house together well.  It is said too that the condition of the POF ruler (in this case Mars) will determine what the extent of the benefit will be, so Mars being in its own home giving it dignity gives this strength.  Mars is also applying to a benefic (part of fortune).

Some astrologers believe that positive aspects work and others that the squares and hard aspects are needed.  This might be an element that depends on one's personal chart as I find the best aspects for me are semi-sextile, sextile, and inconjunct, with some results with the trine.

The inconjunct is an aspect of adjustment, so this may be an adjustment between other peoples' money and the player (ASC ruler).  The semi-sextile is an aspect of opportunity, the sextile of ease.

Additionally, the benefic POF in the ASC sign (even though it's technically in the 12th house) has a trine to Venus which is the lesser benefic located in the 8th house.  This establishes another connection of the ASC with 8h involving two benefics this time.

So I only won $75.00 with this play but for a free play it was a nice return all the same.

Do you have any strategies or techniques that you use to improve your odds while playing lottery?  Please share your thoughts on astrology and techniques in the comments section!

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